You are the apple of My eye. I hide you in the shadow of My wings, protecting you and comforting you. You are redeemed. You are redeemed from trouble. You are fearfully and wonderfully made. You are not hidden from Me. I knew you before the beginning of time. I have given you a future and a hope. You are known by Me. You are well cared for by Me. You should not fear for I am with you always. Do not be dismayed for I am your God. You are upheld by My righteous hand. I care for you. You are a crown of beauty in My hand. You are a royal diadem in My hand. You are no longer forsaken, instead, I call you, “My Delight Is in Her.” You are My bride!
I have given you the keys to the Kingdom of Heaven. You are seated in heavenly places with Christ Jesus. I have given you power and authority over the kingdom of darkness. I am with you always, to the end of this age. You are my child. You are born of God. You have eternal life with Me and in Me. You are free! You shall never die, but you shall live. You are the branches that abide in Me. You are connected to Me. Through Me, you can do all things. You are My friend. You are My offspring. You are sanctified, redeemed and righteous. You are My temple. My Spirit dwells in you. You are holy, because I am holy. You are anointed. You are sealed with My Spirit. You are triumphant! You are a fragrant aroma of Christ to Me. You are a new creation. You are reconciled to Me. You are my child. You are an heir to My Kingdom. You are raised up with Christ. You are seated in the heavenly places! You are saved! You are My workmanship. You are righteous and holy. You are strong in the strength of My might. You are clothed in the full armor of God.
You are a citizen of heaven. Your every need is supplied by Me and My riches. I have transferred you from the kingdom of darkness to My heavenly Kingdom, as My beloved child. You are forgiven. You are compassionate, kind, humble, meek and patient. You are forgiving of others. You are filled in Christ, who is the head of all rule and authority. You are blessed in Christ with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places. You are holy and blameless. You are My adopted child, chosen. You know the mystery of My will. You live according to the Spirit. You are at peace. You have the mind of Christ. My Spirit dwells in you. Christ is in you. The same Spirit who raised Christ from the dead lives in you! You are justified. You do not have a spirit of fear but of power, love and a sound mind. You are chosen and faithful. You are more than a conquerer. Who does God say YOU are? Open the scriptures and discover how the Father sees you!